There are several reason why Cricket is more popular in India than other sports. The top 5 reasons among them are given below:-

1. Cricketing heroes:- India has a lot of Cricketing heroes like Sachin Tendulkar, Kapil Dev, Showrov Ganguly, Mahindra Shing Dhoni, Virat Kholi etc. So people in india from childhood idolize them and want to become like them.

2. Achievement in Cricket:- India's achievement in sports mostly come from Cricket which making it most popular sports in the country.

3. Money:- Indian Cricketer earn a lot better than other sports person of this country. So, people chose cricket over other sports as a career.

4. fame:-  Indian National Cricketers are treated as national heroes in the country. So everyone dreamt to become like them.

5. Available infrastructure:- India has available infrastructure for Cricket. People can easily access them. which is also helping this sports to become most popular in the country.